
Arabic Language Basics

Arabic Basics

Arabic Language Basics Learning Course

Learning Arabic will help you on your worldly and spiritual journey with the Quran which will be challenging and gratifying. Nearly 420 million people speak Arabic, making it the sixth most common language in the world. It takes a lot of work to learn a new language, and itโ€™s considerably harder when that language doesnโ€™t share a root with your own. For native English speakers, learning Arabic might bring certain difficulties that can impede the process.

Ways to Become Proficient in the Learning Arabic Language

  • Like other languages, there are strategies for getting proficient in the Arabic language. First, study the concepts of basic Arabic learning to make a strong foundation for learning Arabic.
  • Start learning the concepts of the Arabic dictionarye. alphabets and their correct pronunciation.
  • You can study the vocabulary, verb tenses, syntax, and sentence construction then practice them thoroughly.
  • You need to put your best efforts into learning Arabic grammar. For this, we have top-notch qualified Arabic teachers in our online Quran academy.
  • For native English speakers, however, learning Arabic might bring certain difficulties that can impede the process.

Fundamentals of Arabic Language Basic learning

  • In our online Quran Academy, we ensure students learn Arabic slowly and gradually. Here are the steps to learn Arabic that we follow:
  • We ensure that our students start their journey with Arabic words, the correct pronunciation of Arabic sounds and the formation of each Arabic letter. This makes a strong foundation and helps students to recite the Quran.
  • We introduce our students to learn essential vocabulary so that they can become familiar with phrases within the Quranic text.
  • Arabic sentences are different from the English language. We help students to learn sentences focusing on basic Arabic grammar rules.
  • We teach students to learn the core Arabic grammatical concepts i.e. like verb conjugations (present tense) basic noun declensions (masculine/feminine, singular/plural) and vocalization of the active and passive voices.

Steps to Learn Arabic

Itโ€™s simple to make the mistake of studying the Arabic script before attempting to learn the Arabic words by skipping the alphabet. Consider how you first acquired English in school. You teach your letters first, then how to put them together to make words, then how to put those words together to make sentences, and finally, you learn more about appropriate syntax and grammar. Our Arabic language basic learning course will guide you through the fundamentals of the language and show you the overall learning Arabic process that will lead to proficiency.

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    Learn Arabic With Daily Life Practices:

    In the Arabic language basics learning Course, You will learn basic Arabic learning through daily Life topics i.e

    • Greetings
    • Family
    • Where do you live?
    • Everyday life
    • Food and Drink
    • Studying
    • Work
    • Shopping
    • Weather
    • People and Places
    • Hobbies
    • Body and Health

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