
Fingerprints Unique is Sign of Allah’s Greatness

The Unique Creation of Allah

Fingerprints Unique is Sign of Allah’s Greatness

Many different subjects are mentioned in the Quran in the course of inviting people to believe. Sometimes the Quran mentions the heavens, sometimes the animals, and sometimes the trees and plants. It also mentions many other things as evidence of Allah’s Greatness and Wisdom.

The Quran calls us in many verses to reflect on our own creation and on anything Allah created. The creation of man and the miraculous aspect of this creation is stressed in many verses of the Quran.

Some bits of information within these verses are so wonderful and detailed that it is impossible for a person living in the 7th century to have known them. Hence, it follows that the Quran is the Word of Allah! It is sent down by the Creator of man for man’s own guidance.

The Wonders of Fingerprint identification in Light of Quran:

Let’s consider the uniqueness of fingerprints. In this Quran ayat about fingerprints Allah says, ”Does man think We will not assemble his bones? Yes, we are even able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his finger’s.” (Surah al-Qiyamah, 75: 3-4)

One feature that distinguishes us from everyone is that the unique patterns on our fingers are different from one another, and two people don’t have the same fingerprints that are the best example of Allah’s unique creatures.

The patterns of our fingerprints do not change, as we grow older, even if our skin becomes cracked and wrinkled with age. So our fingerprints used to identify us. Wherever you go, you tend to leave your fingerprints behind you. That is why fingerprint identification is widely accepted around the globe.

Fingerprints Unique are Enduring Mark of Allah’s Creations:

Every person has a distinctive set of fingerprints. Can fingerprints form by coincidence?

Allah has miraculously designed our fingerprints. No one can deny the uniqueness of fingerprints and it is impossible to have the same fingerprints of two people on the entire earth. Even the two identical twin siblings with the same DNA have their own unique set of fingerprints. Allah Almighty has created every single major or minor thing with its purpose. Likewise, our other body parts’ fingerprints are not only ordinary curves without any particular purpose.

Fingerprints and Modern Science

It is interesting to note that two centuries ago these fingerprints were not important. In the late 19th century, the Fingerprints Science Experiment was done, and it was noticed that everyone has different fingerprints from one person to the other. In the 7th century, the Quran pointed out that the invisible fingerprints of human beings bear a unique characteristic.

‘’Does man think we will not assemble his bones? Yes, we are able even to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers’’ (Surah al-Qiyamah, 75: 3-4) What does this show? This clearly shows that the Qur’an is the Word of Allah. Every bit of information and verse about fingerprints is true. It also shows the Greatness of Allah Almighty and proves that Allah created everything in the best form and shape.

These fingerprints are individual identities, and in daily life, this identity of every individual is coded as fingertips. Fingerprints play a vital role in identifying unique individuals and this has become the scientific method of identification for centuries. The amazing patterns on our fingers are the best tool used for the verification of a fingerprint for years.

Classification of Fingerprints

According to the structure of fingerprints we can classify fingerprints into five categories i.e arch, tented arch, left loop, right loop and whorl. It is surprising to note here that the Quran has 1400 before what modern fingerprints science experiments are telling us today.

Fingerprints are our Identity Cards:

Fingerprints act as an identity card of any individual and this identity card cannot be forged, and it affixes a unique signature to whatever it touches. One of the wonderful facts about our unique fingerprints is their ultimate shape before the birth of an unborn baby and this shape remains the same for a lifetime. Fingerprints are visible on the fingers of an unborn baby in the womb of its mother. That is why our invisible fingerprints are accepted as vital proof of identity in the modern world.

Final Words:

Allah has beautifully blessed every human being with unremarkable patterns on their fingers. These invisible fingerprints are the best proof of Allah’s unmatched creativity. Also, modern science has accepted the fact that fingerprints are as unique as a snowflake and consist of meticulous designs and complexity that is beyond human thinking and creativity. Our fingerprints have incredible patterns and sizes that not only serve as our unique identity but also a powerful tool in the modern world of science.

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